شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة
"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Uoooo_11
شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة
"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Uoooo_11
شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة

شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة احدث البرامج احدث الالعاب احدث الاكواد والشروحات اشهار منتديات اضف موقعك موسوعة اسئلة واجوبة حصرية مواضيع مميزة اقوى المسابقات الجديدة والربح من النت 2011
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 "Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
صاحب المنتدى

صاحب المنتدى

عدد مشآرڪآتي عدد مشآرڪآتي : 8989
عًٍـمـًرٌٍيَـے• عًٍـمـًرٌٍيَـے• : 31
جْــنـسَے• جْــنـسَے• : ذكر
آآنــــنـــے• آآنــــنـــے• : egypt
بُـلاآآدٍيـے• بُـلاآآدٍيـے• : "Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Egypt10
نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• : 14814
اَلتقُيِّيم اَلتقُيِّيم : 16
تاريخ الانتساب : 25/02/2011

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: "Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties   "Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Emptyالثلاثاء 27 مارس 2012, 1:47 pm

Dr. Mohammed left the marina, the leader of freedom and justice, Shura Council meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood after the noon prayer immediately, refusing to make any statements and disclose information about the reasons for his departure before the end of the meeting, where he boarded his car and left the place immediately.

The sources revealed that the "Marina" went to the military council to meet with Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, Commander in Chief, President of the Council of the Armed Forces, and the rest of the party leaders.

In the same context, sources familiar with the "seventh day", the group that the Office of the guidance issued instructions to all the committees of the group to prepare for the results of which will result from the meeting, the group on the position of the presidential election.

The informed source who requested anonymity, noted that the guidance office issued a circular to officials Committees media group developed scenarios for processing information, which would be adopted by the group in case if the decision to nominate one of the brothers or support a candidate from the present or stand at an equal distance from all the candidates.

On the other hand sources for the "seventh day", the guidance office to form a group to manage the crisis with the government of Eng Shater and Dr. Mahmoud Ezzat, vice leader, Dr. Hussam Abu Bakr, a member of the Guidance Office.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
صاحب المنتدى

صاحب المنتدى

عدد مشآرڪآتي عدد مشآرڪآتي : 8989
عًٍـمـًرٌٍيَـے• عًٍـمـًرٌٍيَـے• : 31
جْــنـسَے• جْــنـسَے• : ذكر
آآنــــنـــے• آآنــــنـــے• : egypt
بُـلاآآدٍيـے• بُـلاآآدٍيـے• : "Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Egypt10
نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• : 14814
اَلتقُيِّيم اَلتقُيِّيم : 16
تاريخ الانتساب : 25/02/2011

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: "Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties   "Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Emptyالثلاثاء 27 مارس 2012, 2:19 pm

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateHatem Azzam: There is a strong push for a clash between the military and the Muslim Brotherhood

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateScuffles between the appellants and lawyers rejected a constituent session Constitution

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateTemperature: if the majority insisted on writing the Constitution, it must leave

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateQueried for a lawyer to run for president and infected with the revolution and seek to blind the media

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateAhli Ultras broadcast the Qur'an to the souls of the martyrs during a sit-

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateHoly Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateSupporters of "Mansour" assault Gamal Zahran Murtaza to describe as "remnants"

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateSheikh Al Zoghbi: Jihad is the duty of every citizen against the Syrian Bashar and his

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participate"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateTurkey closed its embassy in Syria amid renewed shelling in Homs

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateUnion of Muslim Scholars critical of France's refusal to grant visa-Qaradawi

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateGovernment: positive steps for a loan of 300 million dollars from the World Bank

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateTurkey closed its embassy in Syria amid renewed shelling in Homs

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateObama nominates Academy of Korean to head World Bank

"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties Icon_participateHamas is committed to pump fuel to Gaza, the Egyptian
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
"Marina" leaves the meeting of the "Brotherhood Shura" to attend a meeting, Field Marshal and parties
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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