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Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch Uoooo_11
شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة
Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch Uoooo_11
شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة

شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة احدث البرامج احدث الالعاب احدث الاكواد والشروحات اشهار منتديات اضف موقعك موسوعة اسئلة واجوبة حصرية مواضيع مميزة اقوى المسابقات الجديدة والربح من النت 2011
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
صاحب المنتدى

صاحب المنتدى

عدد مشآرڪآتي عدد مشآرڪآتي : 8989
عًٍـمـًرٌٍيَـے• عًٍـمـًرٌٍيَـے• : 31
جْــنـسَے• جْــنـسَے• : ذكر
آآنــــنـــے• آآنــــنـــے• : egypt
بُـلاآآدٍيـے• بُـلاآآدٍيـے• : Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch Egypt10
نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• : 14814
اَلتقُيِّيم اَلتقُيِّيم : 16
تاريخ الانتساب : 25/02/2011

Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch   Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch Emptyالثلاثاء 27 مارس 2012, 1:51 pm

Members began the Holy Synod meeting shortly before, at the papal cathedral of St. Mark Abbassiya the presence of the compound of the bishops and the bishops and members of the Milli Mejlis year and CCAMLR Awqaf and Kelly Patriarchate of Cairo and Alexandria to discuss the basic criteria for the selection of the Patriarch the next and the development of clear explanations for the list of 57 without prejudice to its articles as stated by Saint Pachomius the caretaker.

And received the St. Pachomius, the caretaker, today in the meeting a number of explanations for the application and implementation of the list to vote on the final decisions to resolve several issues were raised about the regulation, including the eligibility of Bishops Alabrashiyat to run for the office of the pope and how to submit nominations and put the voters and their right to vote and how to set up the electoral lists.

And deals with the complex in the meeting to the proposals on the formation of a committee of 18, which will oversee the process of receiving the nomination papers and election of the Patriarch's New and supervise the process of purifying the electoral lists and the Committee shall consist of 18, half of them members of the Holy Synod and the other half of the members of the Milli Mejlis, Endowments, Coptic and the committee is chaired by acting as Bishop Pachomius.

The St. Pachomius received a note from a lawyer Ramses Raouf Najjar explanations about the church and the application of the list of 57 of the legal terms and explanation of all its provisions and how to apply them as appropriate for the time being, and the development of the Patriarch of Ethiopia and the extent of their right to vote as Taatdhamenh list.

Attended the meeting along with members of the Milli Mejlis of bishops, including d. Official Abdul Malik and Advisor Dr. Edward Ghali. Georgi Kulainy and Chancellor King Mena.

On the other hand put forward the names of some candidates, of whom St. Cyril, Bishop of Milan, Bishop Makarios General Bishop for Aprach Minya, St. Raphael, Bishop of the Churches of the center of the country and is still the name of Saint Pfntios Bishop Samalut remains unanswered from a large number of the Copts, but will be determined by his position on the eligibility of Bishops Alabrashiyat to run.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
صاحب المنتدى

صاحب المنتدى

عدد مشآرڪآتي عدد مشآرڪآتي : 8989
عًٍـمـًرٌٍيَـے• عًٍـمـًرٌٍيَـے• : 31
جْــنـسَے• جْــنـسَے• : ذكر
آآنــــنـــے• آآنــــنـــے• : egypt
بُـلاآآدٍيـے• بُـلاآآدٍيـے• : Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch Egypt10
نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• : 14814
اَلتقُيِّيم اَلتقُيِّيم : 16
تاريخ الانتساب : 25/02/2011

Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch   Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch Emptyالثلاثاء 27 مارس 2012, 2:18 pm

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Holy Synod begins meeting to develop criteria for selection of the next Patriarch
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