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برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين Uoooo_11
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شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة

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الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الناشر الاكترونى
الناشر الاكترونى

عدد مشآرڪآتي عدد مشآرڪآتي : 4572
جْــنـسَے• جْــنـسَے• : ذكر
آآنــــنـــے• آآنــــنـــے• : غير معروف
بُـلاآآدٍيـے• بُـلاآآدٍيـے• : برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين 012
نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• : 10794
اَلتقُيِّيم اَلتقُيِّيم : 4
تاريخ الانتساب : 23/05/2011

برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين   برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين Emptyالسبت 04 يونيو 2011, 12:46 pm

برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين

Windows OS | Size: 2 CD

برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين 1173115494autocadjw2kc7

AutoCAD® software enables you to create and explore ideas
like never before. From conceptual design through drafting and
detailing, AutoCAD is all you need to create, visualize, document, and
share your ideas. AutoCAD combines the familiar AutoCAD commands and
user interface that you already know with an updated design environment,
giving you the power to shape and explore your ideas like never before.

Autodesk helps customers experience their ideas before they're real by
providing state-of-the-art 2D and 3D technologies to visualize,
simulate, and analyze the real-world performance of their designs early
in the design process.

The new 2008 Autodesk product line delivers on the promise of design
innovation with 2D and 3D tools that open the door to digital
prototyping environments and allow customers to experience the impact of
their design ideas before they are built.
The new 2008 Autodesk product line delivers on the promise of design
innovation with 2D and 3D tools that open the door to digital
prototyping environments and allow customers to experience the impact of
their design ideas before they are built.

The latest update to AutoCAD software focuses on improving designers'
ability to quickly and easily document their designs, with a level of
control that helps ensure that their drawings look as professional as
they require.

AutoCAD 2008 focuses on solving common customer problems in a way that
respects current workflows, so that little or no retraining is required
to obtain significant time savings.

Key enhancements include:

-- Simple, intuitive creation, editing and management of annotation scale,
tables, text and leaders, to virtually eliminate duplication of work,
minimize errors and time spent on workarounds, and support corporate
standards for design.
-- Customer-driven improvements in functions ranging from drafting to
presentation, including more than 35 enhancements in response to
customer visits, Autodesk User Group International (AUGI) top-10
feature wish lists, and feedback forms.

"One of the most powerful aspects of AutoCAD software has been its
support for designing and documentation in real-world scale," said Lucio
A. Da Silva, CAD manager, Architectural Land Design, Inc. "But
combining those elements with associated annotation has been difficult.
AutoCAD 2008 makes it transparent for the designer -- we think it's a
must-have update that builds on the modeling and visualization
enhancements we got in AutoCAD 2007."


CD1 (4 x 100mbs, 1 x 44.8 mbs)
change the ISO name from AEC2008-1.iso to ACAD2008-1.iso
CD2 (3 x 100mbs, 1 x 20 mbs)
change the ISO name from AEC2008-2.iso to ACAD2008-2.iso


[size=21]Original Site


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ادارة المنتدى

 ادارة المنتدى

عدد مشآرڪآتي عدد مشآرڪآتي : 2082
جْــنـسَے• جْــنـسَے• : ذكر
آآنــــنـــے• آآنــــنـــے• : egypt
بُـلاآآدٍيـے• بُـلاآآدٍيـے• : برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين Egypt10
نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• نْـقٌٍـآطُْـيَـے• : 2663
اَلتقُيِّيم اَلتقُيِّيم : 6
تاريخ الانتساب : 08/04/2011

برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين   برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين Emptyالجمعة 15 يوليو 2011, 5:31 pm

تسلم يا غالى



الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
برنامج ... Autodesk Autocad 2008 ... للمهندسيين
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
شبكة ومنتديات العالم عرب المتنوعةhttps://worldarab.mam9.com منتديات اسلامية منوعة تطويرية جديدة  :: المنتديات الإدارية الخاصة بالمنتدى :: قسم المحذوفات للمواضيع المخالفة و المكررة و التالفة :: ارشيف المنتدى (العالم عرب ) قديما-
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